Pastor Femi
Pastor Femi is a man of God with a heart for humanity. Apart from this, he is a teacher who teaches the word of God. He simply communicating the timeless principles of the scriptures. Also, he is an author who expresses God’s words with insight and revelation. He is a loving Spiritual Father with an unquenchable passion and thirst for God.
“And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” – Jeremiah 3:15
Moreover, he is uniquely gifted in unpacking God’s word. Those words are connecting with scriptures, proving the authenticity of God’s word. Also, his teaching provides a believer with a 360-degree view of the word of God. His words equipping them with tools to build their desired future. Besides that, he is a dynamic leader with an excellent spirit. Not only, he is called to lead people to a relationship with God but also, breaking all barriers to reach their potential.
Where there is no vision, the people perish…”- Proverbs 29:18
Pastor Femi is a visionary leader with a global vision.
His visions are:
- Filling the Spiritual emptiness in the heart of people with the Word of God,
- Eradicating poverty through human development and empowerment,
- Eliminating diseases by preaching the healing virtue in the Word of God and through Medical Science,
- Conquering illiteracy by providing effective education program and training center across the globe,
- and Training ordinary men and women in their chosen field to become global leaders.
He believes all things are possible and your dream can become a reality. There are numerous testimonies of God’s power which sets the lives of people at work. Thereby, his messages will inspire you, give you hope, transform you and mature your faith until the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus.
He is the founder of the Living In The Word International Church, an ever-growing ministry without limits or boundaries. Apart from this, he holds a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science and a Master’s degree in Business Administration.
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Mrs Mercy Alaran
is married to her devoted husband, Pastor Femi Alaran.
Undoubtedly, she is a strong example of a virtuous woman. She has the heart to inspire change and motivate women of all ages and from all walks of life.
Above all, Mrs. Alaran is one who accepts the valued privilege. Yet, she takes great responsibility for clasping every opportunity to deposit the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Besides, she serves on the ministry with her husband, providing the much-needed assistance and leadership deserved in a growing ministry. She has committed her journey by living out her God-given purpose.
Above all, Mercy has a huge heart for people and has committed her life to serve and help others in times of need.
Among all, she has the heart of her ministry is her passion for people.
Her Beliefs
- She believes in taking fewer privileges. But resolves the issues relating to the empowerment of women. Other issues close to her heart is marriage.
- She believes, A woman must be a leader and serve God through praise and worship.
Through life’s challenges, Pastor Femi and Mrs. Alaran support each other. In addition to maintaining their faith in God, they support each other at every step in their marriage. Most importantly, they encourage each other to pursue their passions.