Mission Statement


We are committed to becoming and creating disciples of Jesus Christ, both inside and outside of our church. Therefore, with this goal in mind, our ministry strives to amplify the Christian goals of our church through service, fellowship and spiritual growth by sponsoring inspirational programs to motivate our men to become Godly influences in their home, workplace, church and community.

Our Purpose


The purpose of the Men’s Ministry is to reveal Jesus Christ to all men in order that God’s Kingdom will be manifested tangibly in their lives. Hence, the Men’s Ministry seeks to sharpen and strengthen men through God’s Word, fellowship, encouragement and support

The Men’s Ministry is a multifaceted, comprehensive ministry that will expand the Kingdom of God by encouraging and supporting men to walk in their calling and purpose.

The Men’s Ministry will promote the relationship between God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. It is this vertical alignment that men have to constantly maintain in order to successfully address and navigate through the daily issues of life that they will face.

One of the components of the Men’s Ministry is Men of Change. This Men’s Ministry is a topical group study, providing common ground for men 18 years and older to learn and discuss God’s Word and the standards He requires as listed in the Bible. Key topics include:

  • Becoming better husbands, fathers, and men
  • Finding and maintaining balance for your life
  • Achieving your potential
  • Developing your faith


Our Vision


These men’s meetings are for those who are looking to improve relationships, communication skills, and become better men for God. The Men of Change ministry is helping many to achieve the following:

  • Build lasting relationships with other men for friendship, support, discipleship, and mentorship
  • Find practical solutions to difficult issues in their daily lives
  • Discover how a personal relationship with Jesus Christ can change their lives
  • Recognize their gifts and abilities to further God’s Kingdom
  • Understand biblical truths and learn how to apply them in their lives
  • Utilize biblical principles to change and become more like Christ for advancing God’s kingdom and leading their families, neighbourhoods, and the world
  • Meet the needs of young men in the church
  • Develop a full-time mentoring program for young men ages 18 to 21 years