
Scripture: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. – Psalm 46:1

A question for all this morning is “where do you put your trust?”, Is it in your

  • Financial security
  • Physical Strength
  • Mastery of Skills (business acumen, ability to think on our feet)
  • Education
  • Associations (Friends in high places)
  • Government
  • The Military of your country
  • Doctor
  • Experience

It is much easier to trust what we can see than to trust the One who is unseen. God not only will protect us from some things (Isaiah 43:2). He also protects us IN some circumstances. The Lord is stronger than anything the world can throw at us. He is our only true refuge.

Friends, When the Son of God is in the boat of life, no matter what is going on around that is the safest place to be. We must recognize the futility of standing in our own strength or relying on our own abilty. No matter how strong you are, the circumstances of life can knock you flat.

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. (Psalm 20:7)

[pullquote] No problem is too small for God’s caring heart.[/pullquote]

Are storm clouds circling your life? Do things seem to be falling apart round you? You face a choice. You can do battle in your own strength and lose (maybe not this time, but you will ultimately), or you can run to the One who provides refuge and strength

Make christ your hiding place today.

Prayer Point

  • Father I have made you my refuge and hiding place. Please keep me safe
  • Father high me under your wings in the name of Jesus
  • Father let your grace be sufficient for me in all that i do in Jesus name

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